Sunday 16 March 2008

Mario Kart Wii

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your engines and ready those red shells, Mario Kart is zooming onto the Nintendo Wii.

The latest edition of the popular racing series allows full use of the Wii controller and even includes a ' Wii Wheel' accessory (as seen being used by Mario & Luigi above).
For those who don't want to use the 'wheel', the game will be compatible with the Wii classic controller, the remote and nunchuk and even the Game cube controller.

It has been confirmed that the game will support the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection and players can do battle online with other players from around the world. Fans can now experience the thrill of racing against 12 players simultaneously.

There will be 16 new tracks as well as 16 revamped tracks from previous games, including some from Mario Kart DS.