Tuesday 8 April 2008

Lord of the Ring 'Minas Tirith' Matches

The Lord of The Rings' city, Minas Tirith, has had some consrtuction work done to it. Once where bolders and stones lie now rests.... matchsticks!

It is estimated to take two years to complete and the brave person who is up for that task is Patrick Acton, a.k.a ‘The Matchmaker’

The project was started around last year and is shaping up very well, even though there are seven levels of the city to finish.

'Acton's matchstick version of the seven-level city was started in February of 2007. The Minas Tirith model will contain hundreds of city buildings and will be topped with the Tree of Gondor and the White Tower of Etchelion.'

More info at http://www.matchstickmarvels.com/Comingin2009.htm